prepare(" INSERT INTO sync_log_artworks (qi_id, wp_post_id, status, qi_updated_on, title, debug_message) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE wp_post_id = VALUES(wp_post_id), status = VALUES(status), qi_updated_on = VALUES(qi_updated_on), title = VALUES(title), debug_message = VALUES(debug_message) "); // Bind the parameters (6 placeholders, 6 parameters) if ($stmt) { $stmt->bind_param("iissss", $qi_id, $post_id, $status, $qi_updated_on, $title, $debug_message); // Execute the statement if ($stmt->execute()) { error_log("Debug: Successfully inserted/updated sync_log_artworks for qi_id $qi_id with status $status."); } else { error_log("Debug: Error inserting/updating sync_log_artworks for qi_id $qi_id: " . $stmt->error); } // Close the statement $stmt->close(); } else { error_log("Debug: Failed to prepare SQL statement."); } // Close the database connection if it was successfully opened $mysqli_st->close(); } else { error_log("Debug: Failed to establish a database connection."); error_log("Debug: Memory usage: " . memory_get_usage()); error_log("Debug: Execution time: " . (microtime(true) - $_SERVER["REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT"])); error_log("Debug: Current script: " . $_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"]); } } // Always return the value to ensure it gets saved return $value; } add_filter('acf/update_value/name=obj_mutationdate_d', 'update_log_on_acf_update', 10, 3); ?> What's On - IMMA

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