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Royal Hospital Kilmainham
Dublin 8, D08 FW31, Ireland
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IMMA welcomes expressions of interest for a Dwell Here: One Month Residency for practices based in Ireland and internationally to reside and practice for up to a month at the museum. This opportunity invites practices working across disciplines of the visual arts, design, architecture, curation and related humanities fields. Successful applicants will be supported to undertake independent site-responsive research in addition to their participation in a week long seasonal research intensive.

IMMA’s Dwell Here programme is structured around four seasonal Research Intensives – week-long forums with an expanded community of mentors, peers, and fellow residents gathering onsite for communal engagement and interdisciplinary dialogue. One month residents are invited to undertake independent, site-responsive research for three of their four week residency. The fourth week (whether at the beginning, middle, or end of their contracted residency) must overlap with a selected seasonal Research Intensive week. This open call is programming for intensives on the following dates in 2025:

  • Dwell Here: Spring Research Intensive / Wednesday 05 – Tuesday 11 Feb 2025
  • Dwell Here: Summer Research Intensive / Wednesday 14 – Tuesday 20 May 2025


A one month residency includes a requirement to engage with the expanded community participating in each research intensive. Themes highlighted in the Dwell Here: Research Invitation will inform intensive planning. Studio engagements may surface as a workshop, a temporary exhibition, a reading group, a walking tour, an open studio, a talk, a site visit, a performance, or other studio related activities for the onsite community and invited guests. In addition to these potential activities it is anticipated that each Research Intensive will be informed by:

  • Methods of presenting self-directed research and studio practice
  • Discussions and studio visits with mentors, peers, and fellow Dwell Here residents
  • Interaction with IMMA programming, staff, collections, archives, and site
  • Off-site visits (local and further afield)
  • Engagement with Ireland’s arts communities and infrastructures
  • Informal knowledge exchange synonymous with the residency experience such as co-hospitality, co-working and a co-living environment


A one month residency offers participants deeper insights into the context of visual arts practices in Ireland, strengthening international connections and communities with the potential to prompt ideas for embedded projects such as public workshops, continued practice based research or even commissions which will be welcomed to emerge as proposals following the one month sited experience at IMMA

IMMA welcomes Expressions of Interest from artists and thinkers who are:

  • Based in Ireland or internationally
  • Committed to research excellence within their chosen discipline

Research Invitation

Dwell Here offers participants a simple proposition: to commit to this time and place while thinking deeply about its urgencies. Together we are curious to learn what can be activated or challenged through the process of dwelling. IMMA encourages reflection across the following themes to consider geographical, historical, political and cultural concepts of Ireland as a starting point to expand and connect international contexts through similarities and differences:

Technologies of Peace – We invite participants to consider commemorative landscapes and memories of peace (as a dream, movement, or value) while generating perspectives on sustainable coexistence.

The Irish Paradigm – We welcome artistic research that can create intimacy and connections, while celebrating the perceived agility and freedoms of operating on the periphery. As a small island on the edge of Europe, Ireland often has a challenging relationship with ‘the centre’.

The Museum as a Site of Vibration – We wish to consider how the museum and site can create new vibrations and rhythms within the built legacy of empire. How can museums make visible cultural shifts, including erased, censored or marginalised histories, as well as sustainability, planetary care, sharing and hospitality.

One Month Residency Supports

  • Free onsite accommodation (with your own bedroom and separate to studio)
  • Access to an onsite IMMA studio (if required)
  • Amenities such as electricity, heating, Wi-Fi, parking etc
  • A weekly bursary of €250 for pre-agreed contracted weeks
  • One return journey for residents living outside of Ireland
  • IMMA’s residency is a self-catering facility, occasional hospitality is provided
  • One month residencies will not be able to support accommodation for additional family members or partners

One Month Residency Key Dates

Dwell Here Expression of Interest application key dates:

  • Application Deadline: Wednesday 18 September 2024, 16:00 GMT
  • Applicants Notified: end October 2024


This open call is programming for intensives on the following dates in 2025:

  • Dwell Here: Spring Research Intensive / Wednesday 05 – Tuesday 11 Feb 2025
  • Dwell Here: Summer Research Intensive / Wednesday 14 – Tuesday 20 May 2025

Application Guidelines & FAQs 


Application Guidelines & FAQs

Applicants are requested to submit one PDF document containing a current CV, a statement of practice, an expression of interest, details of two referees, and samples of professional practice.

Links to Application Guidelines and FAQs are provided below