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Stuart Clark at IMMA

Tue Jul 1st, 2014

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Second Level Art Teacher on Bringing Students to a Museum by Rebecca Devaney

Fri May 23rd, 2014
“My memories of appreciating Art before 5th year were bleak. I was endlessly dragged around galleries I did not want to be in by my parents, longing to find a Topshop nearby. The thing of most interest when I went to see a Damien Hirst exhibition was the café. But this has changed; in fact I’ve become a Contemporary Art addict.” -6th year Art student As the quote above illustrates, engaging students with Art History and Appreciation can be challenging at times. I studied Art and Design Education at NCAD and currently teach Art at a secondary school in Dublin. Over the last four years, I have been working with Lisa Moran, Curator of Education and Community Programmes in IMMA, to develop resources for second level teachers and students. Combining the wealth of knowledge and expertise available at the museum and my teaching experience, as well as invaluable feedback from students, we have been able to design resources more suitable to the needs of second level students and teachers. It is hoped that by introducing students to Contemporary Art at an early age it will facilitate a life long engagement with Art, museums and galleries. Leaving Certificate Art One of the major challenges encountered by teachers and students of the Leaving Certificate Art course is the expansive natur...