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3 Results
Artist's Voice / Artists

IMMAxDAS Artist Spotlight with Salvatore of Lucan

This IMMA Magazine is a transcribed interview between IMMAxDAS artist-in-residence, Salvatore of Lucan and his sister, writer Gabrielle Fullam, discussing about family, identity and painting the personal. ...

by Gabrielle Fullam / Sun Apr 23rd, 2023

Living at IMMA, an insider’s view

Laurel Bradley on life as a temporary resident at IMMA "in a shifting community of artists, critics and writers who get to stay at the museum after the big iron gates swing shut".

by / Thu Dec 10th, 2015
Artists / Visual Art

Do I lie when I say I love you?

In association with the exhibition What We Call Love, Dr Noel Kavanagh asks the question: Do I lie when I say I love you? Check out Noel's nominated pop song in his concluding reflection.

by / Tue Dec 8th, 2015

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