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The Department of Xenogenesis (DXG) @ IMMA is a time space enacted by The Otolith Group for convening public online and offline discussions, performance, screenings and exhibitions with artists, filmmakers, theorists and musicians. The DXG takes place in the context of the current exhibition The Otolith Group, Xenogenesis and builds upon the exhibition.

The Otolith Group, Xenogenesis exhibition is named after Octavia Butler’s title for her science fiction novels the Xenogenesis Trilogy.  The Otolith Group’s pioneering artworks which include post-cinematic essayist films, videos and multiple screen installations address contemporary social and planetary issues, the disruptions of neo/colonialism, the way in which humans have impacted the earth, and the influence of new technology on consciousness.

Current and Upcoming Events

Alien Embodiments – Open Call.
Deadline for applications is 15 Oct 2022
Alien Embodiments is a six-month programme of activities led by Alice Feldman and Raj Singh developed in response to The Otolith Group Xenogenesis exhibition. For more information on how to apply click here.

Reading Group: Octavia Butler Xenogenesis Trilogy.
Led by Dr John Wilkins, this reading group will meet once a month to discuss the three books of Octavia Butler’s Xenogenesis Trilogy: Dawn, Adulthood Rites, and Imago. For more information on how to apply click here.

IMMA Talks: Xenogenesis & Octavia Butler, talk by Dr John Wilkins.
Wed,  26 Oct 2022 6.30pm – 7.30pm/ Lecture Room
The talk explores the connections between Octavia Butler’s trilogy of novels Xenogenesis and The Otolith Group’s visual and auditory art, to uncover links to essentialism, anti-essentialism, and hope. Free, booking recommended. Find out more details about this talk here.

Previous events

Black History Month 2022.
Wed. 05 Oct 2022/ The People’s Pavilion
Activities and launch of Black History Month 2022 in Ireland organised by IABS and hosted at IMMA. This was an in person event celebrating people of African and Black backgrounds in Ireland. Find out more information about this event here.

Programme Contributors

Alice Feldman and Rajinder Singh

Alice and Rajinder have been working together since 2019 with a central focus on cultivating practices of critical self-reflexivity as foundations for individual and collective decolonial praxes of thinking, being and doing ‘otherwise’. They have collaborated on a series of Labs – Interculturality (youth circus workers) and Solidarity, including an initial experimental pilot with masters students and later a workshop for the 2021 IMMA annual Summer School.

These projects, in turn, informed their creation of a visual arts- and body-based pedagogy for a semester-long undergraduate course, Solidarities Power Difference.

Rajinder Singh came to this work as a choreographer and movement based artist. His work is in the national permanent collection of the Irish Museum of Modern Art, The Glucksman Museum and the Arts Council of Ireland. He is the Artist-in Residence, MA Race, Migration and Decolonial Studies, University College Dublin with Dr Alice Feldman since 2019. Rajinder is a member of artist collective Art Nomads and a member of Temple Bar Artist Studios and Gallery.

Following two decades of working in Ireland at the intersections of aesthetics, epistemology and pedagogy both in and outside of the university, the MA that Alice Feldman established in the School of Sociology had been running for two years when she and Rajinder began their work together. At the centre of the programme are decolonial experiments around embodied knowledges, pluriversality and re-existence.

Dr John Wilkins is an Irish Research Council Enterprise postdoctoral fellow working with both IMMA and Trinity College Dublin. He earned his PhD from Trinity College Dublin’s School of English and he is a lecturer and researcher of Black, Queer and Gender studies.

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