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Royal Hospital Kilmainham
Dublin 8, D08 FW31, Ireland
Phone +353 1 6129900

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Listen Back Notice

All IMMA Talks are recorded and the vast majority are made available on our Soundcloud page, an incredible free resource where you can hear directly from artists, curators and leading thinkers on the themes behind the work we present. We are in the process of transferring our Soundcloud archive to this new site, but in the meantime you can visit our full archive on Soundcloud, or search this site for transferred media below.

IMMA Talks is a dynamic programme of talks and events that opens up conversations around our exhibition programme and permanent IMMA Collection, bringing you deeper into the thinking and making of contemporary art. Talks are recorded and many past talks will have a listen back link. While we work to transfer our archive you can find published talks on Soundcloud.


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