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Royal Hospital Kilmainham
Dublin 8, D08 FW31, Ireland
Phone +353 1 6129900

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This workshop, facilitated by Beth O’Halloran Visitor Engagement Team IMMA, will tap into participants’ sense of place and how they navigate it. We will be asking questions on how we find our bearings – is it a familiar path? The trees? Architecture? Or smaller tracks and traces which help us find our ways.

Participants will begin by making their own Concertina Workbook. Then they will make their way beyond our Front Lawn Pavilion and following a series of prompts, they will make a series of drawings, as a record of their findings; perhaps a vista, a mark, a scrape, a series of wildflowers, stains, hedgery, a repeated shape – all combining to provide a record of traces from the IMMA grounds. 

Due to current regulations on social distancing, places are limited to 13, so book early to avoid disappointment.

Appropriate footwear and clothing are recommended as this will be take place outdoors. 

Date Time
Friday 23 July 11am – 1pm
Friday 30 July 11am – 1pm