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Royal Hospital Kilmainham
Dublin 8, D08 FW31, Ireland
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Iontas Arts & Community Resource Centre, Castleblayney, Co Monaghan
This exhibition of works from the IMMA Collection is shown in collaboration with the Iontas Arts & Community Resource Centre.  Visual Eyes is the Centres inaugural exhibition and will include paintings by prominent artists such as David Godbold, Brian Maguire and Paul Winstanley, photographs by Willie Doherty and prints by Tim Mara.  The exhibition will be opened by Enrique Juncosa, Director, IMMA.

Tim Mara, Power Cuts Imminent, 1975, Screenprint, 77 x 97 cm, Donated by the artist's family 1999, Collection IMMAPaddy Jolley, Rebecca Trost and Inger Lise Hansen, Hereafter, 2004, Black and white film transferred from 16mm/Super 8 to DVD, Collection Irish Museum of Modern ArtDavid Godbold, Near Vision Test, 2003, Ink and computer printout on tracing paper over found 'near vision test' card, 19.5 x 15 cm


The exhibition will be accompanied by a series of workshops facilitated by artist Cliona Harmey in response to the film Hereafter, 2004, by Paddy Jolley, Rebecca Trost and Inger Lise Hansen.  A projection of the resulting work will be shown alongside Hereafter as part of the exhibition.  IMMA staff will also facilitate workshops and talks during the month of September for local National and Secondary schools.  This project is supported by the Department of Education & Science. 

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 Press Release