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Dundalk Insititute of Technology, Dundalk, County Louth.
February 19 1998 until 16 April 1998.
Cork Insitute of Technology, Bishopstown.
October 28 1998 until 25 January 1999

A policy of collaboration was initiated with the national network of Institutes of Technology in Ireland. This particular exhibitionwas first shown at Dundalk Institute of Technology where it was on display in March and April 1998. Situated , as it is, close to the border, Dundalk has suffered economically and socially from an overspill from the Troubles. The Institute attracts students from ages 17 upwards from the surrounding regions of Monaghan, Cavan, Meath and Louth. The Institute is keen to be involved in the development of the region and was eager to host an exhibition. An exhibition was curated in the context of a centre of technological learning. A series of works, either made by digital means or dealing with media was chosen and accompanied by other works reflecting the technological age and the rapidly changing nature of Ireland. This was also a large undertaking, with 37 works in total hung in the communal areas of the College. The College is a focal point for a range of local activity so many general visitors experienced the exhibtion as well as students. An ‘in conversation’ discussion took place between the National Programmer and Ronan Mc Crea the Assistant Curator of the Museum’s Collection for staff and students in the college theatre.