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Royal Hospital Kilmainham
Dublin 8, D08 FW31, Ireland
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This exhibition, organised by the Museum of Modern Art Oxford, and shown in collaboration with the Douglas Hyde Gallery, explored the use of film in the work of six artists. The museum show included three specially commissioned installations – one by 1996 Turner Prize winner, Douglas Gordon, the others by Liisa Roberts and Isaac Julien, with a film piece by Marijke van Warmerdam. The Douglas Hyde Gallery exhibition showed the work of Tony Oursler and Sadie Benning. In some of the works, film images were projected around the walls or positioned on freestanding screens within the gallery, disrupting the established relationship between film, screen and spectator. Other pieces show how the language of film has been woven into video to create a new cinematic aesthetic through the use of Hollywood references, video projection and large-scale screens.