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IMMA OUTDOORS; The Eco Festival OPEN Call for Art Work, Presentations, Talks, Exhibitions

IMMA OUTDOORS: The Eco Festival  is a weekend of eco related programming showcasing the most exciting innovators in the field of eco citizen science, design and creativity, enabling intergenerational dialogue and empowering audiences to become agents of change.

Experimentation, provocation, and research are at the heart of IMMA’s values and programs. This showcase will explore the problems and dangers of the Anthropocene and responses to counteract, through the lens of artists, story tellers, digital gamers, biologists, performers, designers, musicians, mathematicians, architects, and young people.  The list of possibilities is endless.

The IMMA OUTDOORS Eco Festival will be deeply interwoven with themes of biodiversity and sustainability, a vibrant celebration of people, place and planet.  It will use art to motivate audiences to become more climate positive in their everyday lives by combining inspiring artistic interventions with workshops, talks and events which demonstrate how small but mighty acts in the community can have an impact. It will plant the seeds of sustainability, enabling audiences, to participate, discuss and experiment, combining inspiring impactful commissions with civic exploration of eco creativity.

Showcase at IMMA OUTDOORS: The Eco festival will take place in October 2022.

The Project will be shaped by a curatorial team led by Director Annie Fletcher.


Open Call

How to Make a Proposal

Your proposal could be a new or existing artwork, performance, workshop, digital intervention, research project, virtual reality game, or other activity. We strongly recommend that you keep our target audience of young people aged 18-35 years in mind and consider including interactive or participatory elements.

Proposals are invited via a 2-page PDF to include the following.

  • 500-word Project Synopsis
  • Include artists name, email, phone number and details of any partners
  • Short description of the presentation on site
  • Short biography – max 500 words including web links, social media and press links if applicable.
  • Budget – as a guide, the majority of selected projects will be awarded funding of between €300- €5000 which includes a contribution to artist fees, materials, equipment, shipping, and travel.

We will be hosting a Zoom Clinic for any questions you may have on Tuesday 29 March at 2.30pm. To register for the Zoom Clinic. Please email [email protected]

Suggested Themes and Topics

Strand One – Innovative Collaboration

Showcases innovative collaboration between industry or technology and the artistic (and creative) sectors that open new avenues for innovation.

Strand Two – Artistic Exploration

Showcases artistic research and creative exploration, and works to showcase ways in which the arts have great potential to influence change in the climate movement.

How can art and creativity be utilised within the climate crisis as a potent tool for change? How can the museum as a civic space play a role within an environmental call to action? What has COVID shown us about the animal kingdom’s ability to respond to different levels of human activity? What role could technology play in reversing destructive trends and practices of the past? What can be learned from Indigenous cultures and practices to create a vision and sustain a gentler, more desirable impact? What kinds of social organisation and collaborative practices could move us in a less catastrophic direction?

Key Dates

Submissions Open: Thursday 10 March 2022

Zoom Q&A Clinic: Tuesday 29 March at 2.30pm.  Register by email [email protected]

Closing date for Submissions: Friday 15 April 2022.

Successful candidates notified: Friday 10 June 2022.

Presentations on-site: Presentations will take place in October 2022, rather than the earlier dates advertised of 9-11 September 2022.

Submissions will be accepted as one PDF by Email  [email protected] until 5pm on Friday 15 April 2022.

About the Eco Festival

Through the lens of the international sustainability agenda, it has become more apparent the unique role of arts and cultural organisations in supporting the shift in attitudes needed to address climate change. At IMMA, our unique creative mindset highlights how culture has a pivotal role to play in climate justice, through citizen engagement and community  support by exploring sustainable arts practice and offering regenerative solutions.

Creating access to art for audiences of all ages is at the heart of IMMA’s mission. The last couple of years have challenged IMMA to explore how best to serve its local community beyond the gallery walls. IMMA Outdoors focused on providing art within safe convivial spaces across its 48-acre site at the Royal Hospital Kilmainham, rejuvenating its important as civic space for the Dublin 8 community.

Over its 30-year history IMMA has been a space for activism. As an institution concerned with contemporary culture, IMMA is inherently well-disposed towards innovation and experimentation which are critical for the generation of new programmes that capture the imagination, build momentum and have the power to create social change.  In a world that is changing so rapidly, IMMA is constantly looking ahead, radically rethinking the role of the cultural institutions and developing a boundary pushing vision which focuses on its role as a radically public space, a global connector and a catalyst for change. We seek to be a space in which the public can engage with, discuss and debate the great issues of our time, the most urgent of which is climate crisis.

The mission of IMMA is to connect audiences and art, providing an extraordinary space in Ireland where contemporary life and contemporary art connect, challenge and inspire one another. While artists reflect and respond to the social, political, and environmental concerns of contemporary society, it is the museum’s role to create a generative space for the public to explore and contextualise these events, to see the world differently and to reimagine its future.