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Royal Hospital Kilmainham
Dublin 8, D08 FW31, Ireland
Phone +353 1 6129900

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This was the first solo exhibition in Ireland of the work of one of the founders of Conceptual Art. Joseph Kosuth played a pivotal role in the Conceptual Art movement of the 1960s, a movement that questioned the nature of art and the role of the artist. His work since has continued to challenge accepted notions about art, through installations and extensive writings. He presents art as an idea, an evolving process, not as a finished object, using language as a system through which this is explored. He has remained one of the most influential figures in contemporary art over the last 30 years.

The exhibition comprised a new large-scale installation made specifically for the Museum space, Guests and Foreigners, Rules and Meanings (James Joyce, Pola, Roma, Trieste, Paris, Zurich, Ludwig Wittgenstein, Dublin, County Wicklow, Connemara), and included seminal works, such as One and Three Chairs from his Protoinvestigations series of 1965 and Works on Freud and Wittgenstein, 1981-1993.