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Royal Hospital Kilmainham
Dublin 8, D08 FW31, Ireland
Phone +353 1 6129900

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Artist Jaki Irvine introduces her new work which draws on her research of Elizabeth O’Farrell and her partner Julia Grenan, active members of the 1916 Easter Rising. Irvine discusses the ways this new film and sound work, and the forthcoming live performance, experiments with the Canntaireachd oral traditions of bagpipe music and a spoken-sung score. Moderated by Sarah Glennie, Director, IMMA.

About the Artist

Jaki Irvine, b.1966

Jaki Irvine is an Irish artist who lives and works in Dublin and Mexico City. She is concerned with how we come to imagine and understand ourselves from within our privacy and often uses video installation as a way to reflect on moments where this process, awkwardly and unavoidably, comes spilling into the public spaces of our lives.
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Additional Resources

Artists Talk: Jaki Irvine - If the Ground Should Open... Soundcloud