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As part of IMMA NIGHTS series of events – The Anthropocene – More-than-human is a collaboration between IMMA and Dublin Digital Radio (ddr) that brings together artists and musicians exploring sonic elements of the Anthropocene – the current geological era where human activity is seen as a destructive influence on the Earth’s systems. The programme takes the form of a hybrid radio show, with live performances in our iconic Courtyard simultaneously broadcasted to ddr listeners far and wide. 

This event is programmed in the context of IMMA’s current exhibition The Narrow Gate of the Here-and-Now: The Anthropocene and the ddr upcoming music festival Alternating Currents. Both contexts, explore how the work of artists engage and respond to the themes of the Anthropocene. Previews of work-in-progress commissions for Alternating Currents festival will be presented alongside discussions and performances by artists included in IMMA’s exhibition.

Join us for this exploration of More-than-human sounds, weather forecasting and digital ecologies. Artists include Edy Fung, whose practice explores our relationship with technology and seeks out More-than-human viewpoints. Fung manipulates found sounds with machine-listening, revealing non-anthropocentric readings of our current society and environment. Testing their work for the Alternating Currents festival, Osaro performs spoken word with music from AfroGrunk drr show alongside Aonní, the collaborative music project of Aisling Ór Ní Aodha and Colm Keady-Tabbal, who will perform a Lowlands/Ísealcríoch special live radio show.

To listen to the hybrid radio show broadcast from 6-9pm visit


Late exhibition viewing
6.00pm – 7.00pm, Garden Galleries
Explore the exhibition The Narrow Gate of the Here-and-Now, The Anthropocene.

More-than-human – Artists Conversation
6.00pm – 6.45pm, The Courtyard
Claire Walsh, Curator of the exhibition The Narrow Gate of the Here-and-Now – The Anthropocene, explores more than human themes of digital ecologies and the Anthropocene with artists Frank Sweeney, Cóilín O’Connell and Roo Honeychild, who discuss the webzine collaborative project no_matter_here, joined by ddr as mc hosts.
no_matter_here is a digital artwork, web zine and exhibition that connects the work of artists exploring pre-millenium networks as potential sites of technological emancipation. Users are encouraged to unearth mysterious pages, hyperlinks, images, videos and electronic ephemera.

More-than-human – Artists Sonic Performance, Music and Spoken Word
7.00pm– 9.00pm, Courtyard.

Live performances include,

7.00pm – 7.40pm: Aonní performs Lowlands/Ísealcríoch, a collaborative music project of Aisling Ór Ní Aodha and Colm Keady-Tabbal from their ddr show.

7.40pm – 8.20pm: Osaro, Improvised spoken word performance with selected music from their ddr show, Afrogunk.

8.20pm – 9.00pm: Edy Fung performs Rhythm of Chance, 2021

To listen to the hybrid radio show visit

Contributor details

Dublin Digital Radio (ddr) is an entirely volunteer run online digital radio station, platform and community, broadcasting 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Founded in 2016, ddr now has over 175 residents delving deep into the various currents of music, art, politics & culture happening on the island of Ireland and beyond. ddr is independent, not for profit and survives thanks to its members, supporters, regular fundraising events and the dedication of its volunteer team, residents and community. . For more details see here

Edy Fung is a multidisciplinary artist and curator based between Stockholm and Derry whose practice emerges from the expanded field of architecture, conducting material experiments with installation, video, digital image, social media, Internet Archive, sound and text around her research-led projects.  

Osaro presents the radio show AfroGrunk on ddr. Osaro is a sexy social Auntie who likes putting on african punk nights like her gig ‘Black Jam’ with Dublin Fringe Festival and has a DJ collective ‘WesternGirls’. Making racists shit their pants just a lil’ bit in our male dominated/white washed Dublin music scene is her also charm. They present the radio show AfroGrunk on ddr. See more details here

Aonní (collaborative music project of Aisling Ór Ní Aodha and Colm Keadley-Tabbal)

Aisling-Ór Ní Aodha is a visual artist based in Dublin and Wicklow. Her practice interrogates ‘the aesthetic of environmental perception’ through the medium of sound, text, sculpture and painting. 

Colm Keady Tabbal is an artist based in Dublin. Their ongoing project Noise Architecture operates as a performative architectural firm, exploring theories of noise in relation to audio culture, urbanism and public policy. 

The Narrow Gate of the Here-and-Now:
The Anthropocene

The Narrow Gate of the Here-and-Now: The Anthropocene, considers the present geological era in which human activity has become visible as a dominant and destructive influence on Earth. Expanding the focus on rising sea levels, heat waves and species extinction, the exhibition looks at the temporalities and underlying structures of the Anthropocene.

The artworks in this chapter all deal with time in different ways. Some, including by Karrabing Collective, Frank Sweeney and Edy Fung, point to specific moments in history – from World War II to the Y2K Millennium Bug and the 2003 SARS outbreak. Others explore deep time, with Dennis McNulty’s sonic installation, which references a 1930 sci-fi novel, plotting a timeline spanning billions of years from ‘Earth Formed’ to ‘Second Solar Catastrophe’. While prints by Katie Paterson and, Leanne McDonagh propel fictions tied to the natural world into futures as yet unknown.
