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Royal Hospital Kilmainham
Dublin 8, D08 FW31, Ireland
Phone +353 1 6129900

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Siamsa Tire Theatre, Tralee, Co Kerry
Flesh is an uncompromising look at contemporary figurative art and includs artists such as Marina Abramoviç, Patrick Hall, Patrick Graham, Rebecca Horn, James McKenna, Pablo Picasso and Thomas Ruff. 

Thomas	Ruff, Porträt 2001 (A. Roters), 2001, C-print, ed. ¼, 210 x 165 cm, Purchase, Collection Irish Museum of Modern ArtStephan Balkenhol, Large Head, 1991, Wawa wood, 120 cm high, Base 100 cm high, Purchase, Collection Irish Museum of Modern Art	Rebecca Horn, Take me to the other side of the ocean, 1991, Shoes, glass funnel, blue pigment, metal construction and motor


The exhibition is accompanied by an education and community programme and is supported by the Department of Education and Science.