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Figuring It Out features artworks focusing on the human figure by Irish and international artists represented in the Irish Museum of Modern Art’s Collection, including artworks by Amanda Coogan, Antony Gormley, Isabel Nolan, Denis Oppenheim and Beverly Semmes. The exhibition is a continuation of Tallaght Community Arts and the Irish Museum of Modern Art’s long-standing partnership as part of IMMA’s National Programme. The exhibition marks the first occasion that they have worked together in the new Rua Red exhibition space. Since March students from Jobstown Community School have been working with Tallaght Community Arts and IMMA’s National Programme exploring the process of curating an exhibition. These students have assisted with the curation and delivery of Figuring It Out. Artworks made in response to the IMMA artworks by the students are also shown.

The National Programme has been supported by the Department of Arts, Sport and Tourism.

The exhibition is accompanied by a series of workshops for primary schools supported by the Department of Education and Science.

Tallaght Community Arts, RuaRed South Dublin Arts Centre, Civic Square, Tallaght, Dublin 24.

Opening Hours:
Monday – Saturday: 10.00am – 6.00pm

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