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An seachtain seo, beimid ag féachaint ar saothar ealaíne an ealaíontóir Éireannach Louis le  Brocquy (1916- 2012). Rugadh i mBaile Átha Cliath, tá sé ráite leis go bhfuil Louis le Brocquy duine de na healaíontóirí is fearr in Eirinn. Breathnóimid anois go grinn ar a thaipéis, ‘Táin Bó Cúailnge‘.

Bhí an taipéis seo, le Louis le Brocquy, cruthaithe i 1969 agus tá sé mar chuid de bhailiúchán bhronnta ar an mbailiúichán oifigiúl ag IMMA.  D’fhás taipéisí le Brocquy as foireann iontach léardáidí déanta ag an ealaíontóir d’aistriúchán an fhile Thomas Kinsella ar an tseanscéal Táin Bó Cuailnge, “The Táin.”  Scéal laochais é “The Táin”, mar gheall ar cogadh idir Uladh agus Connacht maidir le tarbh donn cáiliúil. Is é brí an focail Gaeilge táin—slua nó teacht le chéile daoine chun ionsaí a dhéanamh, mar téama na taipéise. Is saothar ollmhór é, clúdaithe le cloigne ildaite go léir ag casadh i dtreo an lucht féachana. Féach go cúramach are an táipéis agus na á bailscóidí nó blobanna atá le feicéal—is aghaidheanna iad!  Agus muid ag tógaint inspioráid ón taipéis, déanaimid anois péintéireacht ag úsáid barr na méara amháin!


  • Bileog mór pháipéar nó cairtpháipéar
  • Péinteanna (Is féidir leat dathanna ar bith ba mhaith leat a usáid)
  • Peann luaidhe
  • Do mhéaranna


Anois – oibróimid!

  1. Chur amach do chuid péint.
  2. Socraigh ar an patrún ab fhearr leat a chruthú agus cur an péint ar an bileog le barr na méara.
  3. Is féidir leat an péint a chur ag tréigean, nó ana-chuid dathanna difriúla a usáid, cosúil leis an taipéis.
  4. Nuair atá an péint tirim, tarraing aghaidheanna ar na blobanna no méarloirg.
  5. I gceann tamaillín, athróidh na méarloirg agus blobanna go slua mór daoine!


Ná déan dearmaid grianghraf a ghlacadh de bhur gcuid cruthuchán agus na torthaí, turgnamh agus saothar ealaíne a roinnt leis an haischlib #ExploreratHome #SnaG21

About the Artist

Louis le Brocquy 1916–2012

Born in Dublin, Louis le Brocquy is considered one of Ireland’s foremost painters. In 1943 he became a founding member of the Irish Exhibition of Living Art. He represented Ireland at the Venice Biennale in 1956, where he won the Premio Acquisito Internationale. He was elected Saoi by members of Aosdána in 1992. Acknowledged by museum retrospective exhibitions worldwide, le Brocquy’s work is represented in public collections including the Guggenheim, New York and Tate, London.

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Explorer at Home: 'The Hosting of the Táin'

This week let’s explore the work of Irish artist Louis le Brocquy.
Born in Dublin Louis le Brocquy (1916- 2012) is considered one of Ireland’s foremost painters. We are going to take a close look at his tapestry, Hosting of the Táin. This tapestry was made in 1969 and is part of a collection that was donated to IMMA.  The tapestries, grew out of le Brocquy’s remarkable set of illustrations for the translation of the Táin legend by the poet Thomas Kinsella. The heroic story of the war between Ulster and the men of Connaught over the famous brown bull of the Táin.  The Táin which is an Irish word meaning “hosting” or gathering of a large crowd for a raid, is the theme of this tapestry.  It is a very large work which is completely covered in multi-coloured heads, all facing the spectator.  Look closely at the tapestry and you can see almost blotches or blobs that are faces.
Now inspired by the tapestry let’s get to work and make a painting using only our fingertips.

What you will need:

  • A large sheet of paper or card
  • Paints (you can use as many different colours as you like)
  • Pencil
  • Fingers


Now, let’s get to work:

  1. Begin by mixing your paint.
  2. Decide on the pattern you would like to create and then apply the paint to the paper or card using your fingertips.
  3. You could apply the paint by fading one colour outwards or using many different colours like in the tapestry.
  4. Once the paint has dried begin to draw faces on the fingerprints.
  5.  It won’t take long before your fingerprints which may appear to be just patches or blobs turn into a gathering or crowd of faces


Remember to take a photograph of your creation and please, share your results, your experiments, and artworks with the hashtag #ExploreratHome