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The Strule Arts Centre, Omagh, Co Tyrone
Collectors’ Choice includes works by William Conor, Gerard Dillon, Paul Henry, Tony O’Malley, Dan O’Neill, Colin Middleton and William Scott amongst others. In the 1960s George and Maura McClelland opened a gallery in Belfast, which grew out of a love for art and was a means of supporting contemporary artists. In 1999 the McClellands offered 400 paintings, sculptures and drawings to IMMA for a loan period of five years. Subsequently, almost half of this collection was donated permanently to IMMA, allowing the McClellands to start a new collecting campaign. This exhibition, drawn from the McClellands’ private collection and some of the works now in the IMMA Collection, is coming home to Omagh where George McClelland grew up and first began to dream of buying and making art.

Tony O’Malley, Patio Reflections with Susie and interior, Paradise 2 Bahamas, 1980, Gouache, pastel and coloured chalks on paper, 77.5 x 52 cm, Heritage Gift from the McClelland Collection by Noel and Anne Marie Smyth, 2003Gerard Dillon, Space Circus, undated, watercolour and collage, 39.37 x 55.88 cm, Collection Irish Museum of Modern ArtColin Middleton, Encounter with Half a Horse,c.1960, Oil on Board,61 x  46 cm, Heritage Gift from the McClelland Collection by Noel and Anne Marie Smyth, 2003


In May of this year the exhibition was shown in Daingean Ui Chuis, Co Kerry, where Maura went to school. In October, the exhibition will also travel, as part of the IMMA’s National Programme, to the Highlanes Gallery, Drogheda, Co Louth.

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