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Royal Hospital Kilmainham
Dublin 8, D08 FW31, Ireland
Phone +353 1 6129900

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Alice Maher, Berry Dress, 1994, Rosehips, cotton, paint, sewing pins, 16 x 26 x 30 cm, Collection Irish Museum of Modern Art

Áras an Chontae, Wicklow
The Arts Office of Wicklow County Council in partnership with the National Programme invited staff members of Wicklow County Council to curate an exhibition of work from the IMMA Collection. The process involved a serious of discussions and visits to the Museum. The panel of staff from various departments within the council explored the curatorial process and the behind the scenes work involved in selecting, presenting and publicising a coherent exhibition. The exhibition includes work by artists such as Alice Maher, Kathy Prendergast and Hamish Fulton. The exhibition will be accompanied by workshops for national and secondary school students supported by the Department of Education and Science.

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