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Royal Hospital Kilmainham
Dublin 8, D08 FW31, Ireland
Phone +353 1 6129900

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Deborah Brown, The Gate, bronze, 170 x 111 x 75 cm, Collection Irish Museum of Modern Art

An exhibition marking the culmination of a collaboration involving IMMA’s National Programme, Ceardlann na gCroisbhealach, Falcarragh, Co Donegal and the transition year students of Pobailscoil Cloich Cheannfhaola, opens to the public at Ceardlann na gCroisbhealach on Saturday 30 April 2005. Ath Rí Rá, selected from the IMMA Collection by the students, represents a celebration of a creative and richly collaborative process for all partners and embodies the spirit and participative objectives of the National Programme.

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