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Royal Hospital Kilmainham
Dublin 8, D08 FW31, Ireland
Phone +353 1 6129900

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Art Unsolved – the first major exhibition of Outsider art to be seen in Ireland, comprised more than 200 works by some 70 artists. Although from widely diverging backgrounds, all share a lack of formal art training, a powerful creative imagination and a fascination with the spiritual and mythological world. The works were drawn from the Outsider Collection, established in London by the late Victor Musgrave and curated by Monika Kinley since 1984. The Collection is on loan to the Museum for a period of two years. The exhibition was international in scope with works by artists from as far afield as Cyprus, the Czech Republic, the US and Australia.

A fully-illustrated catalogue with essays by Jon Thompson and Dawn Ades, was published to coincide with the exhibition, price £12.95.