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Process Room, 01.11.06- 12.11.06

“At the close of the 20th century, self portraiture’s goal, when imaginatively striven for is not in clinging to the illusion of the perfect self, but in exploring as both subject and subjected that which commodity culture is rapidly transforming into object”.   John Yau. The Pheonix of the Self. Artforum. April 1989
Attaching the terms self-portrait, self-image, auto depiction, or self-representation to Live Art practice is problematic and complex.  How much personal identity should be recognisable to be called a self-image?  What elements of the psychological self remain within these presentations, and how does Live Art practice relate to other artists use of self-image?  This Process Room project invites the art viewer to question the complexities of a live artist’s use of self-representation.  What motivates an artist to allow their physical presence to remain within their finished work?  How can the spectator be aided to distinguish between the artist as person and a presented work of self-image?  Can an artist’s use of self-image contribute to the re-evaluation of the art object by promoting recognition of artistic quality and contribution, not solely in terms of cash value, but rather by suggesting an alternative currency of ideas?  This 12-day presentation aims to engage and articulate both visually and through conversation how a work of Live Art can change the role of the art viewer from spectator to participator, and focus our obligations and options as artists and art viewing public within 21st century culture.
Anne Seagrave (Ireland/Spain) has presented her distinctive movements based on performance/video/installation work internationally for over 20 years.  She has won numerous awards including: Best Experimental Art Film at the Kerry Film Festival 2002, four Arts Council of Ireland Visual Arts Bursaries, The Arts Foundation UK Live Arts Fellowship 2002 and residency opportunities in Spain, Holland, Canada, UK, Poland and Ireland.  Until 2004 she was a regular visiting lecturer at NCAD in Dublin, LSAD in Limerick and a freelance organiser of many live art events in Ireland. During 2006 she accepted invitations to perform in Israel, Argentina, Uruguay, Spain, Ireland, England, Finland and Poland.
Anne Seagrave has an Arts & Humanities Research Committee Fellowship at the University of Ulster in Belfast until Jan. 2008

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About the Artist

Anne Seagrave

Anne Seagrave is a visual artist specialising in movement based live art performance, video installation, original audio and interdisciplinary practice.
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