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Jesse Jones, b.1978, Sarah Browne, b.1981

The Touching Contract, 2016

The Touching Contract proposes new ways of understanding the political gesture of touch through an immersive performance work. The work exists in two acts: the administration of a contract, followed by participation in the performance, which features an ensemble of women performers. The contract forms the basis of how audience members choose to participate in the performance, and was developed in discussion with an invited group of women. This group explored with the artists and the performers how women encounter the touch of the law every day, with and without consent. The Touching Contract is part of the project In the Shadow of the State by Sarah Browne & Jesse Jones co-commissioned by Artangel and Create. Supported by ART: 2016, the Arts Council’s programme as part of Ireland 2016, the centenary of the Easter Rising in the Republic of Ireland, Dublin City Council and Heart of Glass (St. Helen’s). Text source:

MediumPerformance, artefacts, documentation and archive material
Credit LineIMMA Collection: Purchase, 2021
Item NumberIMMA.4203
Copyright For copyright information, please contact the IMMA Collections team: [email protected].
Image Caption
Jesse Jones, Sarah Browne, The Touching Contract, 2016, Performance, artefacts, documentation and archive material, Collection Irish Museum of Modern Art, Purchase, 2021

For copyright information, please contact the IMMA Collections team: [email protected].

Jesse Jones

Jesse Jones, b.1978

Jesse Jones attended the National College of Art and Design, Dublin, and IADT, Dublin. Working with film, installation, sculpture and collaborative performance, her practice aims to excavate hidden meanings within popular collective consciousness and explore how historical instances of communal culture may hold resonance in our current social and political experiences. Jones represented Ireland at the 57th Venice Biennale in 2017. She teaches at CIT Crawford College of Art & Design in Cork.

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Sarah Browne

Sarah Browne, b.1981

Sarah Browne works with film, sculpture and performance and uses social and sculptural processes of engagement to address non-verbal, bodily experiences of knowledge, labour and justice. Browne was curator of TULCA Festival of Visual Arts in Galway, 2020. She co-represented Ireland at the 53rd Venice Biennale in 2009. Her work has been exhibited extensively including solo exhibitions at Marabouparken, Stockholm, 2017, CCA Derry~Londonderry & IMA, Brisbane, 2014.

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