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Eoin McHugh

pp. 13-18, 2016 - 2019

These drawings are part of series of over 100 notebook drawings made during and in response to therapy sessions. Developed, in the artist’s words, “as a way to make sense of the world,” the works are Mc Hugh’s most autobiographical to date. Ranging from linear abstractions to meticulous but hallucinogenic articulations of form, the drawings are diaristic and exploratory in nature, but have been heavily layered and reworked over a period of years to create dense palimpsests of image, line  and text. The series’ title, io, means light, life in the invented language aUI, believed by its creator WJ Weilgart to give his patients access to unconscious feeling. 

Mediumpigment ink on paper
Dimensions Framed, 54.7 x 49.7 x 2.5 cm
Image size, 15 x 20 cm
Credit LineIMMA Collection: Purchase, 2021
Item NumberIMMA.4230
Copyright For copyright information, please contact the IMMA Collections team: [email protected].
Image Caption
Eoin McHugh, pp. 13-18, 2016, pigment ink on paper, Framed, 54.7 x 49.7 x 2.5 cm|Image size, 15 x 20 cm, Collection Irish Museum of Modern Art, Purchase, 2021

For copyright information, please contact the IMMA Collections team: [email protected].

About the Artist

Eoin McHugh

Eoin Mc Hugh (b. 1977, Dublin, Ireland. Living and working in Berlin) creates imagery that is hyper-real and, at times, hyper-surreal. A fascination with the psychology of images underpins his practice, together with a conceptual interest in investigating the space between the image, the object and the idea. Working with meticulously crafted painting, drawing and sculptural collage, his work apprehends the everyday world in terms of its potential for the uncanny or grotesque abnormality.  
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