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Vik Muniz, b.1961

Portrait of Alice Liddell, after Lewis Carroll, 2004

Vik Muniz, one of the most innovative of a generation of highly original Brazilian artists, is concerned with revitalising the process of looking in an age drowning in a sea of imagery of all kinds from advertising to the domestic TV screen. His approach is rational and humorous: taking familiar images from high and popular culture and recreating them from a wide variety of materials, from dust and chocolate to toy soldiers and sugar-coated sweets. The chosen material prompts an interrogation of the image and the process of representation. The works are then photographed. ‘Portrait of Alice Liddell after Lewis Carroll’, is a recreation of Lewis Carroll’s original photograph of Alice Liddell – the child who was the inspiration for the main character in his book ‘Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland’. Muniz’s photograph subtly questions the relationship between the writer and the child and invites us to look at the treatment of children by adults in contemporary as well as Victorian culture.

MediumChromogenic print from a digital file, mounted on aluminium, wooden frame
Dimensions Unframed, 253.5 x 184.5 cm
Credit LineIMMA Collection: Purchase, 2004
Item NumberIMMA.1771
On viewArt as Agency, IMMA Collection: 2025-2028, 08/02/2025 - 07/01/2027
Copyright For copyright information, please contact the IMMA Collections team: [email protected].
Image Caption
Vik Muniz, Portrait of Alice Liddell, after Lewis Carroll, 2004, Chromogenic print from a digital file, mounted on aluminium, wooden frame, Unframed, 253.5 x 184.5 cm, Collection Irish Museum of Modern Art, Purchase, 2004

For copyright information, please contact the IMMA Collections team: [email protected].

About the Artist

Vik Muniz, b.1961

Brazilian artist Vik Muniz developed his art practice as a sculptor in New York in the 1980s. He then began to experiment with drawing and photography. Concerned with the process of ‘seeing’ in a culture saturated with visual imagery, Muniz recreates famous images in materials ranging from dust and chocolate to toy soldiers and sweets. Muniz’s work has been shown extensively worldwide, including a solo exhibition at IMMA in 2004.

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