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Jaki Irvine, b.1966

Margaret Again, 1995

Working with film and slide projection, Irvine creates disjointed narratives which frustrate by offering fragmented clues and alternative viewpoints that can be read in a variety of ways, challenging the idea of a single coherent meaning. ‘Margaret Again’ is a film installation based on the book ‘In Watermelon Sugar’ by Richard Brautigan (1978). Irvine creates a scenario where Margaret, a spurned lover in the book, encounters her double and engages in a silent dialogue drawn from the 1939 film ‘An Awful Truth’ by Leo McCarey. The action is accompanied by a Stravinsky waltz.

Credit LineIMMA Collection: Purchase, 1996
Item NumberIMMA.643
Copyright For copyright information, please contact the IMMA Collections team: [email protected].
Image Caption
Jaki Irvine, Margaret Again, 1995, Video, Collection Irish Museum of Modern Art, Purchase, 1996

For copyright information, please contact the IMMA Collections team: [email protected].

About the Artist

Jaki Irvine, b.1966

Jaki Irvine is an Irish artist who lives and works in Dublin and Mexico City. She is concerned with how we come to imagine and understand ourselves from within our privacy and often uses video installation as a way to reflect on moments where this process, awkwardly and unavoidably, comes spilling into the public spaces of our lives.
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