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Anthony Key

Bok Gwai / White Ghost, 2005

Painstakingly pressing, burnishing and forming foil Chinese takeaway cartons around the kitchen he used during a residency at IMMA, British-Chinese artist Anthony Key playfully challenges and engages with stereotypes and intricacies of cultural identity. He poignantly conjures a nostalgic memory often associated with the kitchen, invoking a sense of familiarity during a time of discord or change. ‘I believe we carry a metaphorical and invisible kitchen around with us, so this is what I have built.’ Anthony Key, October 2005.

MediumTin foil takeaway cartons, mixed media
Dimensions Unframed, 335.2 x 152.4 x 274.3 cm
Credit LineIMMA Collection: Purchase, 2006
Item NumberIMMA.1977
Copyright For copyright information, please contact the IMMA Collections team: [email protected].
Image Caption
Anthony Key, Bok Gwai / White Ghost, 2005, Tin foil takeaway cartons, mixed media, Unframed, 335.2 x 152.4 x 274.3 cm, Collection Irish Museum of Modern Art, Purchase, 2006

For copyright information, please contact the IMMA Collections team: [email protected].

About the Artist

Anthony Key

British-Chinese artist Anthony Key obtained a PhD from Winchester School of Art in 2005. Key explores cultural identity through his artistic practice. His work is object-based and minimalist in structure. Echoing Buddhist philosophy, Key uses the process of repetition to construct installations. The work appropriates and scavenges from art and cultural histories as it struggles to build a new identity to define the transient position of British-Chineseness.
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