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Sally Osborn, Action Event Object, Process Room, IMMA, 2010Studio 13
February – May 2010

The complexity of vision can never be fully reconciled with language, the space or gap between written, spoken and visual language lies at the heart of Sally Osborn’s practice. In her recent work sculptural objects appear dislocated from a withheld context that the viewer has to imagine. Drawing on literary concepts such as ‘the new novel’, there is a desire to think about the work reaching beyond drama, action and event. Previous works have exploited specific ‘behavioural’ qualities found in materials that imperceptibly change over time such as tissue paper fading, rice paper dissolving and light bulbs expiring. Recent sculptures are made from salvaged and malleable materials, such as wood, clay and wax forming elemental and illusory shapes. The installations respond to each new context and how the viewer might experience the work. Ultimately, there is an attempt to replace psychological experience with physical forms.

Osborn lives and works in Glasgow. She was awarded the Scottish Arts Council Amsterdam Residency in 2009. Selected exhibitions include Zero Budget Biennial, Paris, (Touring to Milan/London 2010); doggerfisher, Edinburgh; Tinderbox, Hamburg; Liste, Basle, and Art Futures, Bloomberg Space, London. Osborn is represented by doggerfisher.

The Process Room

Sally Osborn’s work was shown in the Process Room, First Floor Galleries, from 23 March to 5 April 2010.

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