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Royal Hospital Kilmainham
Dublin 8, D08 FW31, Ireland
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Born in New Zealand, Katie Breckon’s time living in the Kimberley region of north-west Australia has deepened her connection to remote environments and emotive landscapes. Her practice, both rhythmic and meditative, serves as an acknowledgment and a form of catharsis. It explores the cultural, ecological, and psychological impacts of disconnection and belonging.

Breckon’s extensive work supporting arts and heritage projects in remote Kimberley communities has sparked a curiosity about her own ancestral ties to place, ritual, and natural habitats. Her use of historic wet plate photography and techniques like harvesting and charring reflect this reconnection and engagement with landscapes, processes, and materials of symbolic significance.

More about Katie Breckon



Residency Profile

IMMA & Fremantle Arts Centre Residency Partnership

October – December 2024

Following an open call made by Fremantle Arts Centre (FAC) Katie Breckon was selected from a shortlist of artists proposed to IMMA by FAC. Breckon will commence her residency at the start of October and will be living and working at the museum until mid-December 2024.

More about Fremantle Arts Centre