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Royal Hospital Kilmainham
Dublin 8, D08 FW31, Ireland
Phone +353 1 6129900

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Eoghan Ryan’s work engages video installation, performance, puppetry, text and collage to explore the intricacies of how power is communicated through mediated culture.

His process involves long periods of filming and editing; documenting a specific person, place, object, or song and through this developing fable-like takes on the collective and the personal as institutions. These institutions range from states of being and nation states to the cultivation of provisional culture, in art as much as bacteria.

His complete video installations and performances often question how personal proximity shapes our understanding of ourselves and others within the structural and socio-political constraints of cultural inheritance, identity construction and belief systems.

Ryan is currently developing a new body of work that looks at how different forms of social dynamics can be adapted such that they become instruments or theatrical tools in opposition to the discourse and sites that they inhabit. Focusing on contemporary Ireland as a stage, this relationship sets out to creatively question nationalism, the rise of hard borders and anti-immigrant tendencies across Europe and the UK.

Visit Eoghan Ryan’s website here

Residency Profile

Dwell Here: One Year Residency

January – December 2025

Dwell Here offers participants a simple proposition: to commit to this time and place while thinking deeply about its urgencies. Together we are curious to learn what can be activated or challenged through the process of dwelling. IMMA encourages reflection across the following themes to consider geographical, historical, political and cultural concepts of Ireland as a starting point to expand and connect international contexts through similarities and differences:

Technologies of Peace – to consider commemorative landscapes and memories of peace (as a dream, movement, or value) while generating perspectives on sustainable coexistence.

The Irish Paradigm – Welcomes artistic research that creates intimacy and connections, while celebrating the perceived agility and freedoms of operating on the periphery. As a small island on the edge of Europe, Ireland often has a challenging relationship with ‘the centre’.

The Museum as a Site of Vibration – consider how the museum and site can create new vibrations and rhythms within the built legacy of empire. How can museums make visible cultural shifts, including erased, censored or marginalised histories, as well as sustainability, planetary care, sharing and hospitality.