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Tim Scanlon Tribute

Tim Scanlon – 1965 to 2020

We are deeply saddened to learn of the death of our Board Member and friend, Tim Scanlon after a short illness.

One of the most skilled and experienced corporate lawyers in Ireland, Tim joined IMMA’s Board in 2016 and brought with him invaluable expertise and a genuine passion for art. Tim was an enthusiastic and committed advocate for IMMA. Despite his busy professional life, he volunteered to support colleagues in a range of areas across the museum, played a vital role in securing sponsorship and directed us well as integral member of IMMA Board.

David Harvey, Chairman, IMMA said,

‘Tim brought valuable legal and corporate experience to the Board. Everybody who worked with him during his time at IMMA appreciated his keen intellect and immersion in any task he undertook on behalf of the museum. Most of all we will remember him as a great human being with enormous integrity, a great sense of humour and a unique ability to get on with everyone he encountered.’

Annie Fletcher, Director, IMMA said,

‘In my short tenure as Director at IMMA I feel very glad to have been able to work with Tim. The fiercely intelligent and steadfast support, and the gentle good humour which I experienced was shared by so many colleagues both past and present who recount their warm memories and great sadness at his passing. He will be greatly missed by all of us at IMMA. Our thoughts are with Tim’s family, his wife Brídín and their children Johnny, Dan and Caitlín at this time.’

Moling Ryan, Interim Director 2017-2019, said,

‘It was my great privilege to have had the benefit of Tim’s wisdom and generosity of spirit during my time as Interim Director of IMMA. He had an abiding interest in all matters of art and gave his precious time willingly not just to IMMA but he also found time to support other causes he cared deeply about. At meetings when Tim spoke we all listened because he carried great personal integrity as well as insight and knowledge all of which were apparent to those of us lucky enough to have worked with him. I still see him arriving for Board meetings on his bicycle as self-effacing as it is possible to be, a smile and a greeting for all and then his usual effective contribution, back on his bicycle and off. He will be hugely missed on both personal and professional levels.’

Sarah Glennie, Director 2012-2017 said,

‘I was honoured to work closely with Tim during my time at IMMA, both in his capacity as an active and committed member of the Board but also over the many months we spent developing the major partnership between Matheson and IMMA. A partnership, driven by Tim, which provided vital and visionary support to IMMA’s programmes at a time at which it was badly needed. From my very first meeting with Tim I was struck by his unwavering conviction that art matters, his enthusiasm for the new and untested, and his deep commitment to contemporary art as a vibrant and necessary part of our society. Tim did so much for art and artists in Ireland, we have lost a true friend.’